Paying your Lighthouse Electric Bill Just Got Easier!
Many of our Members have requested additional ways to pay, and we have delivered! Along with check payments, we now accept Via, Mastercard and Discover when paying by phone, PayNow or SmartHub. American Express is coming soon! Below are our many ways of payment.
SmartHub is now available to pay your bill. Click the SmartHub button in the top right corner. You can pay by check, debit card or credit card when using SmartHub.
PayNow is new! If you do not want to register for the SmartHub feature, you can make a one time payment online by clicking the PayNow button. You can pay by check, debit card or credit card when using PayNow.
Pay by phone is back! Call the toll-free number 855-950-3967. You can pay by check, debit card or credit card when paying over the phone.
We will always accept your payments by mail. Mail payment to: P.O. Box 600, Floydada, Texas, 79235.
Bring your payment by our office in Floydada at 703 A Hwy 70 E, Floydada, TX 79235. If you are in the Memphis area, you can pay at Greenlight Gas. If you are in Plainview, visit Mr. Payroll.